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Showing posts from August, 2023

Let's talk about mental health..

  Let me tell you a story that began in India a while ago. There was a little girl who was very energetic. She couldn’t sit still at one place and had trouble focusing. She told her parents that she felt different compared to her friends and siblings. Her parents thought that she was a smart girl who could do anything she set her mind to, there was nothing wrong with her, and that she was probably just a bit too lazy. The little girl believed them. She believed that probably it was just as hard for everyone as it is for her, and others are simply better at overcoming hurdles than she is. There were high academic standards set for her at home, so she never had an option to fail. She had to come up with ways to solve her ‘focusing’ problems herself. At home, she would walk back and forth while studying, which helped her concentrate better. At school, she would force herself keep focused by writing down every word that came out of the teacher’s mouth. She comes from a culture where ta